Saturday, February 16, 2008

The remainder of San Fran...

On our last day in San Fransisco we decided to hike out the The Castro. Rather boring actually. But did by a rainbow fridge magnet and had some delicious bagles! The I decided that I would like to head over to Haight. Which from our map, didn't look far at all, and it wasn't. It just happened to be up and over the BIGGEST hill we had had to climb so far!! We reached the top, few, only got to get through a park and where there. Turned around and there was the park....another hill and so steep! But, we did climb it and the view from the top of the park was fabulous. You could see all of San Fransisco from the Bridge all the way to the peir. So of course once we trekked down the hill and walked around the town for a bit we stopped for surprise surprise.....a hot beverage!! We also went and looked at what used to be The Grateful Deads House...not really interesting but thought when in Rome....haha

Dinner that nite was at an all American diner called Lori's. It was ace!! It was just like the 60's diner in happy days, red vinyl seats, juke boxes on the table and Rock & Roll playing the entire time. I was in heaven!! and dinner was great, such huge meals tho, I ordered Roast Turkey with gravy and vegetables and it was sooo good that Liz ditched her meatballs & spag to share mine!!!

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