Saturday, February 16, 2008


oh my goodness! Disneyland really is the most happiest place in the world!! We just loved it! The weather was so perfect we got to wear shorts and thongs and our hotel was literally right across the road from the park. so great, especially since we'd had a shite day. Leaving San Fran we had to be at the airport at 6am which we did. Only to find out our flight had been cancelled so we were reschedulled to a flight at 9.15am. When we spoke to the staff we specifically asked if our bags were being transferred and we were told that they were already on our next flight. Yeah, they weren't. Well, Liz's was and mine just happened to get left behind. This happened to a few of the passengers so after revving the staff at LAX we were told that my backpack MAY be on the next flight which was due to land at 1.15pm. We had 3 hours to kill. Bag got their ok finally. Skipped the LA hostel because we were now very cranky at LA and headed straight up to Anaheim. Had a good nites sleep in anticipation for our first day at the park.

Our hotel offered breakfast, and while we were dining on some donughts and waffles (only in America!) a man came up to us and asked if we were Australian, we said yes and then he offered us his Fastpass cards as he was leaving that morning. These passes allow you to skip lines for some of the more popular rides in both Disneyland and California Adventure. SWEET! Canadian's are lovely! We had the best day and the ride skipping allowed us to see all of disneyland in one day and not be cranky for lining up for more than an hour on the rides! I bought some Mickey Mouse ears and they stitch your name on the back and I wore these proudly for the whole 2 days. They are so cool! The parade, which we saw at nite had to be our highlight. It was just beautiful. On the second day we went to California Adventure and as we thought, the rides were a bit too scary for us. However we did go on the River rapid type one and got completly soaked and then decided to try the nice calm looking ferris wheel which turned out to be the ferris wheel of death! It swung as you went around leaving Liz and I clutching each other and not looking at anywhere but the floor of our pod. Never again!! Went back to Disneyland where the rides and people were much nicer and calmer!!

The ride over to London was ok, apart from the fact that I ate a ham and cheese sandwhich in LAX which gave me some food poisoning which had me vomiting for the second half of the flight into London. It is official....we hate LA Airport!!!!

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