Thursday, July 23, 2009

Quick Update

Hi All! We're doing well, we have been to Wales and are now in Scotland. We have been having trouble getting on the net to update but hopefully soon I can write a bit more. We are off to Greece on Monday which we are very excited about as there will be sun!! Love to you all

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Music! Music! Music!

Last week was an exciting week! On Thursday evening we set off to the Royal Albert Hall to see George Benson (if you have no idea who he is you tube him and you'll soon know at least one of his songs!). Mum and Dad bought us the tickets for our birthdays and although we really had no idea what George Benson sung we wanted to see the Hall and they seemed excited about it so we thought it couldn't be all bad. And it wasn't. The Albert Hall is amazing. It is round and all the seats face the stage and it doesn't really matter where you sit you can still see the stage. It's really quite tall and our seats were right up the back (second to last row!) and although we couldn't see his face properly we could still see everything. We had a horrific comedian come on first to 'warm' us up. He was rubbish! Kept telling jokes that really only appealed to the senior citizens of the audience. Which was most of them. Yes, we were one of the few young people at this concert. Finally he came out and he sung some Nat King Cole songs which were lovely and almost sent us to sleep due to the fact that I had one beer at dinner and also it was the hottest day on record at 32 degrees that day and good old Albert Hall does not have air con so it was quite balmy inside and the perfect temperature and songs to send you off. But, after he sent off his orchestra he started playing his music and that woke us up quick smart! He's such a groover! And Liz and I were both quite surprised in that we ended up know about 4 of his songs!! He had the whole audience up on their feet, including the 70 year old women in the front row! Fantastic!! Thanks Mum and Dad for the tickets!

The following Saturday we had tickets to Wireless which was a concert in Hyde Park. The headlining acts were Dizzie Rascal, Paul Okenfold, Sneaky Sound System and BASEMENT JAXX!! We were so excited to see Basement Jaxx. They're set right at the end just knocked our socks off and we just boogied especially as they played all of our favourite songs. The ticket was worth the money just to see them as they played for over an hour. So good! I didn't like Dizzie Rascal but Paul Okenfold was good and Sneaky just rocked their tent as most of us there were Aussies and Kiwis and everybody danced and jumped around for their whole set. So. Much. Fun.

Timothy, Liz's brother arrived last Friday. He is taking over Liz's job as a Manny and Liz has been showing him the ropes. We've gone out and done some London things with him, most importantly, Hampstead Crepes mmmmmm delicious. This weekend we are off to Platform 9 3/4 in preparation for the new Harry Potter, which we have already booked tickets for. Oh, just such a busy last week!!